Acne from Shaving
If you have even a mild form of acne, you may think that shaving is the worst thing you can do for you skin. However, dermatologists have found that in some cases shaving will actually help physically exfoliate the skin. In turn, this will help prevent the formation of blackheads and whiteheads as well as remove them. Just remember when shaving not to shave over active inflamed areas or places where infected lesions may have present bacterial growth. This means you cannot shave over pustules. If you have a severe case of acne, you should consult your dermatologist before shaving. The following are some tips of shaving when you have acne.
Warm It up First Before you shave an area with acne it is helpful to prepare the area with warm water first. This hydration helps the skin become more pliable. In addition, the heat will dilate the blood vessels and help bring blood flow to the area. For some people shaving in the shower with hot water has the best results.
Lather Using the right shaving cream can help diminish the buildup of bacteria. Shaving creams that are thin and filmier will help the razor glide over the skin and reduce the irritation to the skin.
Use the Right Razor If possible, it is best to use an electric razor. You won’t be able to get, as close of a shave but it won’t cause you to break out. If you still want to use blade shaving then consider using a new single-blade razor every time you shave. Double and triple blade razors will lift the hair out of the follicle and cause you to shave below the epidermis. The skin’s natural healing process involves the epidermis growing over the opening of the follicle. Using double and triple razors will cause an inflammatory response that can lead to acne conditions.
Go with the Grain The closer your shave the greater your chance of getting shaving bumps. Therefore, it is good to get in the habit of shaving with the grain for both men and women. This usually means you will have to get used to shaving down rather than up. However, this will help cut down on irritation and may help prevent nicks and cuts as well. Tone Up After your done shaving, consider applying a mild alcohol-free toner to your skin. Witch hazel is a good gentle alternative. You can even consider an antibacterial gel. Any of these options will help kill bacteria before it has a chance to get into the open follicles and stop acne before it starts. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are also available in gel forms.
The Shaving Process When shaving with acne use the following steps for best results:
Shave very gently over the tender areas since heavy pressure will cause damage to the inflamed skin. Experiment with safety and electric razors to find which is most comfortable for you. Make sure you soften your facial hair with warm water and shaving cream before you start shaving. It is also best to have a shaving cream that is formulated specifically for sensitive/problem skin. Always make sure you use a sharp blade. These simple practices during your shaving routine will help prevent less severe lesions such as blackheads and whiteheads. Just remember not to use oily, fatty or greasy shaving creams or dalacin T or antibiotic lotion after shaving on your face since this will not help your acne conditions. If you still have, acne after shaving or your acne conditions become worse than you should consult a dermatologist so they can suggest a more aggressive acne treatment.